Blackjack Rules And Its Effects On House Edge

The game of blackjack is believed to have as a very low house edge as compared to any other casino games. The house edge on blackjack is around 0.5%. To exploit all the advantage of house edge, players are requested to make few moves that are optional. When searching over the internet, you may come across a wide variation of blackjack games. You have to keep in mind that different variations of blackjack games have different house edge. The main reason is because different blackjack variations implement different set of rules. So if you are the type of player who counts on the house edge to win, then it is important that you keep a track of how these set of rules might either decrease or increase the house edge. Even if these changes are minor, but they can always make a big difference with playing for longer period of time.

You might have noticed that different games of blackjack that are online make use of different deck of cards. One of the reasons is that the number of decks used affects the house edge to a greater extent. So if you are playing the game with 8 deck cards and not with a single deck card then the house edge can increase by around 0.6%. So in most blackjack games casino makes use of more deck of cards. You may not find many games that make use of single deck of cards to play.

Another difference is if the dealer allows to stand in a total of soft 17 or decides to give a hit. In case the dealer can stand off then it may have a number of advantages for the player because in case he decides to hit then there are chances that he may get a bigger hand total. So if the dealer manages to hit on soft 17 then there are chances that the house edge might increase by 0.2%.

There are also a number of casinos that might not allow players to double their bets. These have all the tendency to increase the house edge. There are also a number of games when players are not allowed to double after split. This has the tendency where the edge on the house can raise to 0.15%. There are also a number of casinos online where players are allowed to double only on hand value of 11 or 10 further raising the edge on the house to around 01.2%.

So there are a number of restrictions that are actually implemented on player when coming to splitting hands. In some games players may never re-split their hands making the house edge go much higher to around 0.05%. Players are also not allowed to split aces in few games thus raising house edge by 0.06%.

You have to keep in mind that there are also negative house edges associated with blackjack. So players who are able to make special moves an in fact make money with blackjack in the long run of time. But always bear in mind that most online casinos may not be able to survive with this. So it is advisable that a player should try and choose a blackjack variation that has lower house edge. Besides there are a number of house edge rules that have not been discussed here as players may feel that blackjack is not advisable to be played. If you are playing blackjack with even money other than 3:2 ratio games, may increase the house edge by 2%. If the dealer exceeds the hand total of 22 increases the house edge by around 7%. If there is a tie total that favor the dealer always have a house edge of around 9%. So no matter how lucrative these games are, they are always avoidable.

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