Aggregate Limit – the casino that organizes Keno, is responsible for some money that players play in this game, this is termed as aggregate limit.
Balls – these are the balls that are numbered and are very much similar to bingo balls that are numbered from 1 to 80.
Bankroll – this is the money that players make use of when playing the game of Keno.
Bet – this is the amount of money that players have to pay to playa round of Keno.
Combination ticket – making use of this ticket player can make multiple wagers.
Conditioning – this means the conditions and terms that players have to follow when playing.
Draw – these are said as the outcome numbers that decide the winner of the round or game.
Free play – you can make use of this for learning the game and all the rules and regulations without paying any money.
Hit – a term that is used for the outcome of the numbers on the balls that make you the winner of the game.
House edge – this is the term used that favors the house. This is also a numerical term that decides how often will the house win. When playing keno this is around 30%.
Payoff – this is the winnings that a player collects from the casino.
Progressive jackpot – this is a type of jackpot that is used by a number of casinos. This is only cashed out after the players get the perfect number combination. As this is random so the outcome can not be guessed.
Random number generator – this is the type of tool that is used by the casinos to pick different set of numbers.
Split ticket – players can make use of this ticket to play multiple numbers.
Ticket – this is provided to the players so they can place their wager.
Wager – this is a term that is used for bet.
Way ticket – players can make multiple wagers using this ticket.