Expert Mode – Roulette

Playing roulette online can be much faster as compared to land based casino as online version makes use of better software and players can enjoy one-on-one game. Even in this version some time is lost when the wheel is spinning and new bets also have to be placed. The time further increases if the player manages to place customize bets instead of the standard form. So when making use of expert mode the software allows players to save customized bets and later can be used later on by a single click of the button.

When customizing their bets, players can make use of two separate systems. One of them is dependent on the table layout. The player can bet on the even red numbers which are all even numbers present between 12 to 36 like 12, 14, 16, 18, 30, 32, 34 and 36. When placing their bet in normal course the players may have to use $1 chip and then click the numbers from the layout. Making use of expert mode players can increase the speed of the game by using shortcut key. To make use of this mode the players are expected to click edit button after selecting expert mode. The players can select layout #1 and then after clicking $1 chip click the numbers. So next time whenever the player wants to place his bet on these numbers he only has to click the button. This will enable him to view his bet on the screen.

To place customized bet players must select a set of numbers that appear on the wheel. The players can see the selected numbers on the betting table. Te player can always place his bet on any number like 22 and other three numbers that are present in either side of 22. You may get to view the numbers (7, 9, 14, 18, 22, 29 and 31). When placing bets normally, players can do it by selecting $1 chip and then each of the above mentioned numbers separately. But if you make use of expert mode, you can always do it easily by following the above mentioned method. So, after selecting edit mode and expert mode players can view their previously saved bets. By selecting layout #2 you can manage to save the second set of numbers. This is again saved as layout #2. So to place the bet the player has to click the button #2.

So by following the same procedure, players can manage to save around 8 different customized bets. So by simply clicking the buttons players can view each of the saved settings. This is one way when players can actually speed up the time of game and avoid minor and major errors. They may never have to click each of the numbers separately. This is one way when you can always increase the fun and excitement of playing European version of this game.

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