Roulette Betting Strategies That Should be Avoided

When playing roulette, it is important that you understand what a players need to do, but at the same time it is also important to understand the strategies that players need to avoid. So when playing in the virtual world the second part is generally considered as more important. The main reason for this is that there are a number of such strategies that make false claims and provide players with methods to beat casinos. Always keep in mind that these strategies do not work most of the time.

When playing roulette, players should bear in mind that every bet has some house edge associated wit hit. When playing on the American wheel this is as high as 5.26% and when playing on the European wheel it is as low as 2.70%. So no matter what different combination bet a player implements or makes use of, or how much amount the player places on his bets, but when playing the game for a longer period of time it is possible that the player may always lose against the casino in virtual world.

Making use of Martingale betting system is very much popular in the online world. When a player makes use of this betting system, his lost bets are doubled with every round. One of the most common myths associated with this is that when a player wins, he may be able to recover all his lost money. We have tried to include the word ‘when’ intentionally as misleading word. The right word to be used here definitely is ‘If’. A player can always keep on placing his bets on a particular color either red or black. Even tough this is unlikely to happen but this is a possibility, and so the perfect word to be used here is ‘If”.

So even if there are chances that a player might win but it certainly is not possible to try and predict the number of times a player may win after doubling his bet. This is one factor that you need to understand as thee is a limitation to the number of times you can eventually double your bet. Most online casinos make use of pre-determined upper limit and is most cases this might not exceed $500. If the minimum bet is $1 chip then a player can only double his bet around nine times. So if the player loses, then there are chances that the player has already lost around 1000 points from his credit. In case the player manages to win in any one double, then he may only win a single credit point. So if it is important that a player has to collect 5 credit points, then the players should always get started by placing minimum of 5 chip bets. This will enable a player to double for seven times only before exceeding the casino limit. When we look at the Martingale system, anyone can say that this system may never be considered as effective. There are a number of strategies that resemble the Martingale system of betting, but you have to keep in mind that all of them should in fact be avoided when playing roulette.

There still is one particular strategy that is believed to be working somewhat. But you still may never guarantee your win. The reason is that every player has to face the same edge on the house on all bets placed. This strategy can be used by the player to gain experience and excitement of playing roulette. The strategy was introduced by Andrez Martinez in LA. When making use of this strategy a player is expected to divide his money equally in 35 separate parts to place bets of one part on every number on the wheel. When a player wins in his 10th round there are chances that he might in fact recover all his lost bets and the remaining part is added to his bank roll. Similarly, if the player manages to win in his 13th spin then he may add remaining 5 to his bank roll. But in case the player is playing at the American wheel, then there are nearly 40%chances that he may lose around 35 times.

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