History of Slots

The first ever slot machine was invented in 1895 by Charles Fey. This person worked on these machines till 1907 and managed to sell the first machine via Mill Novelty and the first machines was called as Mills liberty. The first machine was designed by cast iron and had toes and feet but later on this was eliminated.

The initial machine made use of reels that are still used today. These also made use of actual cards to play the game. The reels also were marked with Kings, Queens and Jacks. So every time a player won the bell would ring. Today most slots made use of signals instead of bell ring when winning jackpot.

Presently a number of slot machines designed are based on the earlier version of 1907. You can obtain around 20 different types of symbols in these machines. The later version makes use of computer generated symbols so they can make use of around a number of symbols displayed.

During this time a second type of slot machine was also purchased that was based on the liberty bell. This was named operation bell. The coin entry and fruit symbols were added features to this. After wards a number of other machines were produced on this basis. This weighted over and nearly 30,000 were sold.

After five years the machines were again changed and then wood made machines cam into existence. These types were less expensive and easy to operate. The noise produced was also reduced in these types and they also featured a double jackpot for players. Mills developed these machines further by introducing different themes and colors making the game more exciting. In 1931 they also released Roman head, Lion head and war eagle, along with Castle Front by 1933.

After the invention of the first slot machines, it took 30 years for this machine to gain popularity. In the late 40’s these were introduced in Hotel Flamingo Hilton by Bugs Siegel. Most initial players were women as they waited for a number of high rollers to get their jobs done. Recently in North America the game has gained popularity such that in 90’s most casinos added these machines to their fleet of games. Nearly 2/3 of money generated by the casinos was made from slots.

Distinct styles

Presently you can find two different types of slot machines, the progressive and the regular slot machines. These types are very much similar in looks, game and pay tables. When playing the progressive slots the only difference is that they provide players with a jackpot that increases in size as the game is played. In other words the percentage of the wagered amount is added to the jackpot and may grow up to millions in some cases. The Carousel adds the wager to the data such that a single machine in this particular group shall be the winner at any particular time. As the process is random, so it is hard to guess.

The machines also provide with various denominations for money like nickel, quarter, penny or even dollar. It depends on the affordability and the type of machine you want to play at. You can also enjoy the game at a number of high roller machines which lets you place high bets with each round. These are generally placed in separate rooms.

When playing in an older machine, you can play three reels with a single pay line. The recent types of slot machines make use of five reels. This improves you chances of making a better win. Some of the complicated machines also provide players with jackpot. To win in these jackpots, you may require to hit specific symbols. The computer makes use of random program to generate these symbols and patterns. The jackpot hit are very rare as the payout is big. In most cases the slot machines will payout at least 93% of times.

In a number of slot machines players may have to insert three coins but in few you can also insert around 20 coins. So to win the jackpot players have to insert maximum number of coins. If you insert less coins, then you may only win bonus rounds. The three coin jackpot may allow you to win around 150% in cash. In case you get the right combination then you can win smaller amounts.

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